How I started blogging
Getting married at a what many may think is a young age has really meant that I get to spend time with my best friend for that much longer. At times I am convinced I married someone who was exactly like me, yet he also challenged me in ways I didn’t know I needed. We do probably EVERYTHING together because we have all of the same hobbies. Don’t get me wrong, I love every minute that we were together but I knew it was important for me to find a hobby that could be just mine and help me grow.
This was probably the most useful advice I got from older and more experience married couples. It isn’t a bad thing to be together all the time, but it can strengthen your marriage to have personal hobbies. This is healthy and enriching because as you grow as an individual then your marriage will grow too.
I wish I could explain just how difficult it has been to find what that one thing is that I love to do and I can do for just myself. I always find myself tied up in DIY projects and home renovation especially after purchasing our first home, but I never thought that this was going to be something that I would pursue as a serious passion or even start a blog about. I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and start something that is 100% me. In the end, I hope I have given you something to think about and that if you feel lost in finding that hobby, skill, or activity that enriches your life and ultimately your marriage.. DON’T GIVE UP.